Q: Why are lifts not allowed at most swing venues in Utah? A: Because
no one wants to get sued when you break your head, your partner's head, or the head of an innocent bystander.
Q: How do I find out where there will be swing dancing this week? A: Check this website,www.utahswing.com or the Utah Swing Network Group. Also, consider joining one or all of the University Swing Club email lists. Each club sends out one email a week, highlighting
special events, and any changing specifics for weekly events.
Q: Why are the lights so bright at some of the venues? Can't we dim
them? A: Well, at some of our venues, we don't really get a choice- it is either all or nothing.
Q: How can I find out the name of a song I heard at a dance? A:
Ask the dj, or occasionally, Nate's playlists will be posted.
Q: How can I help? A: There is always something to be organized, and reliable help is always
welcome! If you are interested in helping, and haven't found a specific email for the primary organizers, email us at utah_lindy@yahoo.com
and we'll hook you up!
Q: How can I find instructors for private lessons? A: Check
out http://www.utahswing.com
Q: How can I find a ride to an event? A; Hopefully someday we will have a forum or
something where you can ask, but for now, I would suggest contact dance friends, or the president of your local swing club.
Q: How come boys (or girls) don't ask me to dance? A: I don't know. But the solution
is to take the initiative and ask. Q: What is the difference between a lesson and a workshop?
What is a lindy exchange? A: A lesson comes in several forms: mainly group vs. private lessons. Group
lessons consist of multiple students learning from one or two instructors. Private lessons consist of one to two students
(as a couple, or singly) learning from one or two instructors. A workshop is usually a special event, longer than a
regular lesson, often consisting of several lessons covering different topics. A lindy exchange is a gathering of swing
dancers from all over in one particular city to experience the host city. For more info on exchanges, as well as a calendar,
see LindyExchange.com